Join us on Sundays at 11am & 5pm and on Wednesdays at 7pm


Our Mission

We are a non-denominational body of Christ, our minister Charles Hoskins and about 20 members that lives and practices the word of God. We don't entertain, we serve and honor God with humility and strength just like the first church in Acts has the example of.


Our People

Charles Hoskins- Minister

(606) 872-7472


Joe Langdon- Treasuer

(606) 423-3720 or (606) 872-3560

Bill Ponder

(606) 679-6634 or (606) 872-3302

Our aim is to teach the same things taught by Jesus and those whom he chose to go “…into all the world”. The reason? Because we will be judged by their words (John 12:48; Romans 2:16).

In our teaching and preaching, we seek to “rightly divide” God’s word (2 Timothy 2:15). Our teaching method is patterned after Jesus as He stated in John 18:20, “I have spoken openly…I spoke nothing in secret.” Our teaching is open for review, because TRUTH DOES NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION!